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Jump To: Text (37)  |  Other (9)

Text (37)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTOEXEC.BAT DOS Batch File 19 640b 1984-02-02
COPYRIGH.T Text File 18 512b 1984-01-22
DIALOG11.DOC Text File 68 2KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG12.DOC Text File 64 1KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG13.DOC Text File 143 4KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG14.DOC Text File 118 3KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG15.DOC Text File 116 3KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG16.DOC Text File 118 3KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG17.DOC Text File 266 7KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG21.DOC Text File 79 2KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG22.DOC Text File 120 3KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG23.DOC Text File 164 5KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG24.DOC Text File 71 1KB 1984-02-09
DIALOG25.DOC Text File 207 4KB 1984-02-09
FILES.DOC Text File 49 3KB 1980-01-01
FILES112.TXT Text File 59 2KB 1989-01-27
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 5 38b 1987-10-19
GO.TXT Text File 10 694b 1988-12-01
I-8087.DOC Text File 19 640b 1984-02-09
MANUAL.BAT DOS Batch File 9 147b 1988-06-08
NEW1.KEY Text File 36 512b 1984-06-07
NEW2.KEY Text File 35 512b 1984-06-07
PC-CODE1.153 Text File 775 21KB 1984-06-14
PC-CODE1.DOC Text File 226 9KB 1984-06-14
PC-CODE2.153 Text File 714 20KB 1984-06-11
PC-CODE2.DOC Text File 154 6KB 1984-06-07
PC-MENU.153 Text File 46 2KB 1984-05-12
PC-STAT2.LOG Text File 158 4KB 1984-06-07
PC-TAMP1.153 Text File 68 3KB 1984-06-14
PC-TAMP1.DOC Text File 22 767b 1984-05-12
PC-TAMP2.153 Text File 53 2KB 1984-06-14
PC-ZERO.153 Text File 20 689b 1984-05-08
PC-ZERO.DOC Text File 17 710b 1984-04-02
READ.ME Text File 22 768b 1984-01-22
SAMPLE.KEY Text File 27 472b 1984-06-07
SAMPLE.MSG Text File 44 2KB 1984-01-20
SAMPLE2.COD Text File 43 2KB 1984-06-07

Other Files (9)
PC-CODE1.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 38KB 1984-06-14
PC-CODE2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 39KB 1984-06-11
PC-HELP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1984-05-07
PC-MENU.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1984-05-12
PC-TAMP1.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 22KB 1984-06-14
PC-TAMP2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1984-06-14
PC-ZERO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1984-05-08
SAMPLE1.COD Unknown 2KB 1984-06-07
SAMPLE3.COD Unknown 3KB 1984-06-14